Friday, July 1, 2011

Epic l00t in Stockholm City

This is today's bounty: Three Cd's (Two with Jon Baron, a band playing on the street with a sound very much akin to that of Kaizers Orchestra, and the new Death Cab for Cutie album), Two books (Latest Horus Heresy novel collection and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin) one audio book (Horus Heresy: False Goods), first manga novel of the "new" Shonen Jump series Frisky recommended and finally the first season of Walking Dead on blu-ray (I have yet to watch this series, but I have no doubt it will warrant a purchase down the road, so I'm just ahead of the curve so-to-speak). There you have it. BONUS: a picture of Ulven and J in Old Town where we had a coffee break.


  1. Shit, didn't think you'd actually go and buy it. Hope you enjoy Toriko!

    Also, have you seen walking dead previously? Good show. I have the first three volumes of the comic in case you want some bed-time reading. Both are great, but they branch out from one another quite early on.

  2. epic shopping spree, jonas looks less impressed

  3. well i did buy myself some moar w40k books aswell, now i have the complete ultramarines saga!
