Friday, July 8, 2011

The apperent insanity that is flying

Without fail, every flight I have been on for the last few years have been plagued by delays due to everything from fire to ice. Some (Frisky) might credit that to my choice of airline, but he does subscribe to the more selective school of reasonable contempt. I however like to engage a Guantanamo-Bayish approach to the whole thing; fuck the airline and the shitty horse they rode in on. I'm getting myself a fucking 75-kronor cup of coffee.


  1. who were you flying with then... I mean choice of airline

  2. Malmö Aviation, still the cheapest and best ariline, but boy do they know how to fuck up.

  3. I love them ever since they served me cake when _I_ was late for the boarding. Yes, I am a cheap date.
