Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Future of Games and Retail, part 1

One of my favorite subjects, not only because I have worked within the retail industry on and off for the last seven years, but because it will change the way we play games. This link gives any interested reader (hallo? hallo? hallo?) a small, but vital, part of where gaming might be headed; http://gear.ign.com/articles/117/1179475p1.html. As always, thank you IGN for your insightful articles...or reports. Or whatever. Ta

UPDATE - This might acctually be of some interest aswell http://ds.ign.com/articles/117/1179195p1.html.


  1. <-- Big supporter of the downloadable market and Onlive. But at the moment, don't trust my internet connection enough for the Onlive alternative. Steam has become my favourite platform for purchasing games as of late.
