Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Frankfurter and mustard stir fry with whole wheat noodles

A new freakish creation based on the old "what do I have in my fridge?" school.

I used the following -
4 Frankfurter sausages
2 red peppers
1 yellow onion
Whole wheat noodles
Dash of Chili powder
1 tablespoon of tomato pure
1 teaspoon of mustard
Olive oil

You could use whatever sausage you like I suppose, and your favourite mustard. If you go with dijon, as I did (on what authority you might ask?) you better be careful not to overdo it, as that shit will come back to haunt you.

Best dish ever, 5/5 stars. thankyou.


1 comment:

  1. I do like my franfurters, I found them to be loads better than regular swedish "sausages".
