Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 is going to kick my arse!

2011 was great, I'm sure no one will argue, for any person who derives enjoyment from games. As my Best of 2011 will advocate despite only glimpsing the tip of yesteryear's releases. I know, not necessarily from personal experience, that 2011 was packed to the brim with other fantastic titles (people in my immediate surrounding keep going on about this "Skyrim"-game which is supposed to be alright).

I remember riding in 2011 with a cape and cowl in DC Universe Online. Not to say that the title didn't have it's strong points, but the experience was generally luke-warm. By the end of the year I find out that the game has adopted the free-to-play model. This seems to have been a trend of late. DC Universe Online was how I kicked off 2011 and I find it amusing, in the same way you find rows and columns amusing, that I am ending the year the way I began it. With an MMORPG beckoning.

As I ride in this new year on a new speeder bike while giving the finger to angsty imperial scum on Tatooine, I manage to turn my head just long enough to get excited over the the bounty 2012 has to offer. This positive outlook is made possible by a long list of announced and TBA releases. Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, Max Payne, Secret World, Bioshock Infinite, Diablo III, Kid Icarus, Bioshock Infinite etc. I could go on forever, but it is probably easier if you gleam the cube yourself.

2012 is also likely to be the year when I finally resolve my hesitance and purchase a 3DS. This so I'll be able to play games like Kid Icarus and Mario Land 3D while I continue to broodingly roost and listen out from under my bridge for news of a portable Super Smash Bros. I expect the demise of my already coughing and wheezing gaming laptop unless I am staunch enough to undertake surgery. It is also not unlikely that I will assemble at a nearby cinema with my own rag-tag band of unlikely heroes sometime during 2012.

The above nostalgic soapboxing of yesteryear and starry-eyed frothing of near-future indulgences wasn't the intent of this post. But apparently I possess administrative privilege on the blog, which has secured me unthwartable power of rambling. This clip was actually the reason for the post. Have a look, then comment with your superlative of preference:

Oh, and happy new year!