I remember riding in 2011 with a cape and cowl in DC Universe Online. Not to say that the title didn't have it's strong points, but the experience was generally luke-warm. By the end of the year I find out that the game has adopted the free-to-play model. This seems to have been a trend of late. DC Universe Online was how I kicked off 2011 and I find it amusing, in the same way you find rows and columns amusing, that I am ending the year the way I began it. With an MMORPG beckoning.
As I ride in this new year on a new speeder bike while giving the finger to angsty imperial scum on Tatooine, I manage to turn my head just long enough to get excited over the the bounty 2012 has to offer. This positive outlook is made possible by a long list of announced and TBA releases. Mass Effect 3, Bioshock Infinite, Max Payne, Secret World, Bioshock Infinite, Diablo III, Kid Icarus, Bioshock Infinite etc. I could go on forever, but it is probably easier if you gleam the cube yourself.
2012 is also likely to be the year when I finally resolve my hesitance and purchase a 3DS. This so I'll be able to play games like Kid Icarus and Mario Land 3D while I continue to broodingly roost and listen out from under my bridge for news of a portable Super Smash Bros. I expect the demise of my already coughing and wheezing gaming laptop unless I am staunch enough to undertake surgery. It is also not unlikely that I will assemble at a nearby cinema with my own rag-tag band of unlikely heroes sometime during 2012.
The above nostalgic soapboxing of yesteryear and starry-eyed frothing of near-future indulgences wasn't the intent of this post. But apparently I possess administrative privilege on the blog, which has secured me unthwartable power of rambling. This clip was actually the reason for the post. Have a look, then comment with your superlative of preference:
Oh, and happy new year!